Sunday, March 2, 2008

One night in Bangkok

After the never-ending day of flying over 24 hours, we finally arrived in Bangkok. Our trip through immigration was a nightmare - I felt like it was the old Jamaica airport taking us over an hour to clear. Lisa and I decided to hang out at the airport and wait for Staci. We all boarded the bus to Khao San, a very popular spot near the Royal Palace. We stayed at the Royal Palace Hotel and upon arrival, dropped off our packs and headed out to see the sights.

We walked past the Palace and down to Wat Phra, a very old and ornate set of temples with the world's only reclining Buddha. It is amazing, enormous and truly unique. We're getting the feeling quickly that once you've seen one wat, you've seen 'em all. After our tour of the wat compound, we headed back to Khao San for shopping and dinner. I feel compelled to list our dinner menu from the street vendors - pad thai (35 B), spicy green mango (15B), spring roll (10B), thai iced tea (17B), and mango sticky rice (20B). Yes, all that for about $3 USD!! Unbelievable! In bed by 8pm after our first day in Asia...not bad!


dearman said...


What about the hookers?

Come on, give us the good stuff.


Unknown said...

insert noise here...
