Friday, February 29, 2008

On the plane again, just can't wait to get on the plane again!

Wow, what a full day of traveling! Lisa and I left Dulles at 5:45pm on Thursday evening, took a nearly 5-hour flight to LA only to have a 2.5 hour layover to take a 14-hour flight to Taiwan. We're here in the airport waiting to board our nearly 4-hour flight to Bangkok. Yes, that's a lot of flying. It's crazy but the flight to Taiwan wasn't so bad. We slept for about 5 hours and then watched 3 movies (Gone Baby Gone, The Kingdom & Michael Clayton). EVA Air was great and we were completely comfortable for the trip.

Our layover here in Taiwan has meant one thing - FREE massage chairs (just like the $5,000 ones they have at Brookstone)! Just ask for a token at one of the shops and you can spend 15 minutes in the Green Room surrounded by plants and peaceful music while getting a great massage. We took two turns but didn't want to overdue our welcome. Now, we're off to Bangkok to meet up with Staci near the Royal Palace. Adrenaline's high, so we're pretty lively for people running on little sleep. We'll see what happens tonight. Until the next post, take care.

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