Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Oh say can Phu Si

Today was a much lower key day than yesterday in Luang Prabang. We all slept in and got up around 9:30am. We had banana crepes with honey and chocolate for breakfast and then went to the internet cafe for a couple of hours. After that, we had more khao soi for lunch (this time it included beef tendon which as Ali knows is one of my favorites). Staci and Lisa were not thrilled about the tendon, but they did a good job getting through it!

From there, it was on to the art gallery where both Lisa and Staci bought one-of-a-kind pieces by Wang Kone. Lisa debated it for a while, but finally decided to bite the bullet since she would never have the opportunity again. After that, we split up. Lisa went to check out one of the oldest wats in town. Staci and I had our priorities which included iced Lao coffee with milk (as Jang and Kalama would say, this stuff is "MONEY!!").

We went back to the room to meet up with Lisa. Staci wasn't feeling so hot, so Lisa and I went on our own to hike to the top of Phu Si (pronounced foo-see) to see the sunset. Unfortunately it was a bit of a bust since there was a lot of cloud cover, but it was still worth it to see the awesome views overlooking the entire city of Luang Prabang. After we descended, we went back to the room and grabbed Staci for dinner. We ate traditional Lao food and then turned in early. Tomorrow, we leave for Cambodia.

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